Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Biggest Winner

Since the last entry I've been in the gym and gradually changing my eating habits... until Monday, January 11th. I joined Mentor's Biggest Loser challenge. $25 buy in and the top three winners take home cash. Now I wouldn't say I'm a gambling man, but when there is a competition I have a "I gotta win this thing" click in my brain.

We are measured on % of weight lost. So here's the come to Jesus moment where I bare all. I weighted in at 280lbs. That means I need to be at 240 by August 25th. This Biggest Loser challenge is the beginning of my Biggest Winner 40x40 campaign.

So far so good. Angie, the Mentor gym director & personal trainer AND friend, has me on a plan. I'm food journaling everything that goes in my mouth and what I exert for exercise. The exercise is surprisingly easier than the journaling. I see I am making good choices for food, proportins is my downfall. I'll be working on that. Each week we meet up and review the journal. I'm not sure if she's going to be amused at the six pack of microbrews I consumed last night. The upside is that I am not having that nightly glass or three of wine while cooking dinner. Does that count for something?

As for the exercise, right now I've been assigned to put in 40 minutes of hard aerobic exercise 4 times per week. After two weeks we will be adding a strength conditioning circuit training into the mix. Next week I want to add in the pilates class on Monday & Thursday and Abs Conditioning on Friday.

In other news... I signed up for the Shamrock Run 5K. Last year I ran the Shamrock Run and the Yunker Chunker 5K. This year I have a goal to run four 5Ks. When setting these goals with Angie she told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to eat the four hot dogs at this years Yunker Chunker. Yeah, right. Although if I do follow her guidance I will note that she said nothing about the four glasses of beer. Hey, it may be a loophole, but I'm taking full advantage of that!

And a shout out to my good friend Paige. She signed on for a 39x39 after hearing of my 40x40. Paige is also an August baby so we'll be tracking our progress together. It's always good to have a partner in undertakings such as this.

Eat well and run long my friends.
