Monday, December 28, 2009

The Challenge Begins

So what's this 40x40 challenge I speak of? Well, I've given myself 8 months to lose 40 lbs by the time I turn 40 years old. Can I do it? Yes, theoretically it is entirely possible. Will I do it? Well that is something that only time will tell. Right now I am committed, but that is what I said when I first dreamt this up at age 29 for the 30 x 30 challenge. How did that go? Not so well. And over the course of my 30s I ended up packing on more pounds. I pose the question to myself again: Will I do it? Yes, yes I will. Now all I need is a game plan and for someone else to finish off that half eaten carton of Umpqua Beaver Tracks ice cream. More on the game plan later.


  1. I am with you brother (from another mother). You can do it! I believe in you. (ummm....) Start small, finish big! Follow your heart. Dream big. You have strength.
    (I am all out of inspirational quotes now.)
    Blog daily. It really is a good thing.

  2. Helvetia Half this year bro? Let's do it.
